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Words on a Page - Nehemiah 8:1-8

Updated: Jan 22, 2022

To my beloved reader, welcome to the 1st part of a three-part miniseries that considers the topic of biblical literacy. My hope and desire for these blogs is to ignite into flame a tangible awareness of our need for continual growth in & knowledge of, God’s divine Scriptures. May the Holy Spirit bring you and I to greater maturity as the redeemed of God – Colossians 1:28!

Desiring the Scriptures

Anyone reading this blog understands the weight and the power words yield. Put together in catchphrases, sentences, or even one-word imperatives like: “Stop!” “Danger!” “Have Fun!” (Ok, that’s two words😉), words have tremendous societal & personal influence, and many would agree that linked to the impactfulness of words is the reception of the one hearing or reading them. After all, don’t we all have shifting boxes where we place value and importance of what is said or written? For example:

“Instructions? Ha! I’ll have this put together in no time!”


“We are saddened and deeply grieved to inform you…”

For myself, these two examples bring laughter, embarrassment, and tears, because of their inherent value to me.

True as that is, Scripture is infinitely more significant and therefore must reign supreme in my life. For,

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Biblical literacy is greatly informed by this passage, as well as Psalm 1, Genesis 1:1, Romans 15:4, and many more.

In reading Nehemiah 8:1-8, I am struck by what appears to be a deep hunger for God’s word. Do you see it? The people called for the reading of Scripture, standing for hours in deep anticipation of learning God’s will for their life, as Ezra, and 14 other priests, read the Book of the Law, resulting in reverent worship of the LORD. Isn’t that amazing and inspiring to you? I suspect that it might be, at least in word. But….

Let’s ask one question: considering Israel’s perfect unity of desire for and attentiveness to the Word of God– literally, hanging on every word (vs. 1&3), if it were possible for you, me, and the Western church, to be transported back to that event, roughly 430BC, would we disrupt that perfect harmony or perfectly mesh with it? Sadly, I believe the answer to be in the negative. In form with ancient Israel, the contemporary church is proving its so-called allegiance to God as false, due to her visible & progressive departure from Scripture.

You see, biblical literacy is directly & proportionately tied to how one lives. Because we can be forgetful, tend to justify our sinful actions, and are easily deceived, being students of Scripture must be of highest priority in the believer’s life. God’s Church must return to the personal and corporate STUDY and proper APPLICATION of Scripture if she is going to survive and overcome the sweeping tidal forces against her that are present today.

Well… so long for now. I hope that you were encouraged to evaluate the importance you place in God’s written word. Stay tuned for part II – Building Berean Walls.

Until then my family, Numbers 6:24-27.

Pastor Che


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